Expert Timeshare Relinquishment Services

Prime Engagement: Our Services

Providing professional and efficient timeshare relinquishment and claims services across Europe, the UK, and the US.

Timeshare Claims

Our Timeshare Claims service helps owners pursue court claims by assessing the validity of their cases. Since 2023, we have achieved significant success in European timeshare claims, particularly through the Spanish courts.

Proven Success

We have submitted many timeshare relinquishment applications with a remarkable success rate of 99%. Our team ensures that we continue to deliver outstanding results for our clients.

Track Record of Excellence

We are dedicated to investigating and pursuing claims against timeshare operators worldwide. We are committed to protecting the rights of timeshare owners and holding companies accountable for breaches in timeshare legislation and misrepresentation.

Global Advocacy for Timeshare Owners

At Prime Engagement Services, we are dedicated to representing timeshare owners worldwide. Our ongoing efforts focus on addressing breaches in timeshare legislation and instances of mis-selling or mis-representation. Since 2023, we have been a trusted ally for European timeshare owners with US contracts and US owners with European claims. Our commitment is to ensure that timeshare operators are held accountable, providing our clients with the justice they deserve.

Efficient Timeshare Relinquishments

Simplify Your Timeshare Exit

Prime Engagement Services offers a streamlined timeshare relinquishment service designed to relieve you of your financial obligations quickly and efficiently. Over the years, we have perfected our process, making it straightforward and hassle-free. Our extensive portfolio of resorts allows us to cater to various needs, ensuring a trusted legal relinquishment process. Unlike other firms, we provide a reliable and transparent service, tailored to your specific resort and purchase details.

Get in Touch

Contact Our Friendly Advice Team

If you are considering timeshare relinquishment or pursuing a claim, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our friendly advice team is here to provide personalized guidance based on your unique circumstances. We are committed to helping you understand your rights and the options available to you.


61 Bridge Street, Kington. HR5 3DJ
